Ramayana - The Game of Life
Event Start Date : 19/10/2023 Event End Date 19/10/2023

DAV Public School, West Patel Nagar staged Ramayana on Thursday,19 October.Tiny tots of DAV participated with great zeal.It was staged in the school premises in the classrooms.To enhance the beauty of program Mr. Ajay Suri , the head of school was invited. Everyone was welcomed by the honourable Principal Ms. Rashmi Gupta. Each scene was depicted in class from K.G to class V as per allocated scenes.The parents were also enchanted by the performance .The program was inaugurated by the diya lighting ceremony and chanting Gayatri Mantra The atmosphere was devotional.The guardians looked pleased and happy seeing the presentation of children.little children played the characters of Rama, Sita and Hanuman, Ravana etc. Which were very beautiful and charming . Everyone applauded their memorable presentation.